The first instance of proof that mere anti congressism or a strong leadership with alternatives is not good enough to propel voters from deciding decisively in favor that alternate unit unless it has a cohesive good leaders as a team. The current dispension of BJP though it has a clear Modi wave going for it doesnt have a united team to encash. The cracks wide & open for everyone to see through it. There are many issues / reasons for this and debate can happen till the cows come home. The point is who is capable of taking on this humongous task and executing it to precision & perfection. And its here that Modi will have to invest more time & energy in the party now.
Its a well known fact that Modi is being looked up as alternative to congress by the grass roots & not by the leaders at the top. The groundswell clamor for Modi as PM has surpassed any other politicians popularity in the last three decades or so. There have been many regional chieftains who had such or more popularity but were limited to the state. This is probably the 1st time in many decades that a man is being propped up by common man on the ground. Taking this factors seriously Mr.Modi will have to keep engaging the masses on the ground more. His messages need to reach to that aspirational India which is rooting for him.
There are many organisational challenges that Modi has to deal with while ensuring the groundswell is not deflated. The biggest of them is his own team within the party. Modi doesnt have an Advani to keep the party in focus for the battle like Vajpayee had. He doesnt have a Pramod Mahajan to manage his political PR better. He unfortunately has more adversaries than good friends / colleagues which is also a known fact. Whats in his favor is the groundswell which has made the party bosses take notice and get him back to the parliamentary Board which is the highest decision making body of the party. Its here that Modi has to make an impact & make his presence felt. To begin with the ground has to see his stamp on every decision that is made by the party’s highest decision. Thats the only way he can keep the enthusiasm of all those at the bottom of the pyramid who matter during the ballot.
This blog is not to discredit Modi or his candidature, its about why he has to start engaging with the people who matter more NOW in the run upto the 2014 battle. Not much time is left for the next general election & there is a lot of ground to be covered. Its this apprehension of mine that i have put forward here. The message post Karnataka election has not been encouraging which i have put forward in the two earlier blogs. BJP needs a bottom up approach badly now & only Modi can do it now given his popularity as a mass leader. Its in this context we need Narendra Modi addressing the people here more than the diaspora worldwide who have little or no say in the General elections 2014………
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