Recently we witnessed a horrific situation in Japan. The malfunctioning and subsequent explosions of nuclear power plants due to the earthquake and tsunami. Such incidents are not rare. In recent times, the world saw nuclear accidents in Chernobyl, Three Islands and Kobe in Japan. Our Gurudev, H. H. Dr Jayant Athavale has predicted that ‘Over the next decade, there will be a third world war where an estimated 1/3rd of the world’s population (i.e., over 2 billion people) will perish. Millions more will die due to the pollution caused by the nuclear fallout.’ The following article narrates the preventive measures we can undertake to save ourselves from such catastrophes.
Imagine this. A nuclear device has just been detonated in your city. For those of us who are within the initial blast radius they would not know what happened as they would be obliterated before they had time to register that a nuclear device had been detonated. Scientists say that these people would actually be the lucky ones. People a few more kilometers away from the blast would suffer from burns or exposure to radioactive material which could have immediate to long lasting detrimental effects on them and their family. At this point a few things would be going through their mind.

- I have just seen a weapon of mass destruction detonate which shelter can I run to?
- Could I have prepared better for this eventuality and saved my family and myself?
Effects of nuclear explosion
Nuclear explosions produce both immediate and delayed destructive effects.
- Immediate effects (blast, thermal radiation, prompt ionizing radiation) are produced and cause significant destruction within seconds or minutes of a nuclear detonation.
- The delayed effects (radioactive fallout and other possible environmental effects) inflict damage over an extended period ranging from hours to centuries, and can cause adverse effects in locations very distant from the site of the detonation.
Damage caused by nuclear explosions can vary greatly depending on the weapon’s yield (measured in kilotons or megatons), the type of nuclear fuel used, the design of the device, whether it is exploded in the air or on Earth’s surface, the geography surrounding the target, and whether it is winter or summer, hazy or clear, night or day, windy or calm. Whatever the factors, though, the explosion will release several distinct forms of energy as given in the immediate and delayed effects above.
Agnihotra can prevent the effect of nuclear radiation
Most people do not know that there are measures that can be taken at a spiritual level, along with efforts at a psychological and physical level to defend oneself against a nuclear attack. In many articles on the Internet, the ritual of Agnihotra has been promoted as a simple ritual that helps to minimise the adverse impact of nuclear radiation. The statement peaked our interest, because for modern science this is a fantastic proposition: that a simple ritual done at sunrise and sunset along with the recitation of a mantra can actually quell the harmful effects of nuclear fallout. This ritual also becomes especially relevant with some other information we have received through spiritual research about the coming times.
How much protection is provided by Agnihotra to nullify effects of nuclear explosion?
Here are these energy types and the level of protection that the ritual of Agnihotra can provide.
The Blast: Much of the damage (approx 50%) inflicted by a nuclear explosion is the result of its shock wave. The blast wave pressure deposits energy in the material it passes through, including air. When the blast wave passes through solid material, the energy left behind causes damage.
Level of protection within the blast radius gained by a person who performs Agnihotra : 0%
- The Thermal Radiation: Along with the blast approximately 30-50% of the energy of the destruction is due to thermal radiation. Even if one is many miles away from the blast, one is able to view a bright flash created by the exploding bomb. In addition to being intensely bright, this radiation is intensely hot (hence the name “thermal”). At 7 km away from the source of the blast one will experience third degree burns. Third degree burns cause tissue death all the way through the skin, including the stem cells required to regenerate skin tissue. A third degree burn over 25% of the body (or more) will typically precipitate shock in minutes that would require prompt medical attention.Level of protection gained by a person who performs Agnihotra within the thermal radiation radius : 30%
- The Ionizing Radiation: A nuclear detonation creates several forms of nuclear or ionizing radiation. The nuclear fission (atom splitting) and nuclear fusion (atom combining) that occur to produce the explosion release, either directly or indirectly, neutrons, gamma rays, beta particles, and alpha particles. (In the case of a 1 megaton explosion the effect of ionizing radiation (measured at 500 rems) is estimated to be 3.1 km from ground zero.)
- Neutrons are heavy particles that are released from atoms’ nuclei. These tiny “missiles” can easily penetrate solid objects.
- Another penetrating form of radiation is gamma rays, which are energetic photons. Both of these types of radiation can be deadly.
- Beta and alpha particles are less dangerous, having ranges of several meters and several centimetres, respectively.
- Alpha particles can cause harm only if they are ingested.Level of protection within the radius of ionization radiation gained by a person who performs Agnihotra : 0%
- Fallout: One of the effects of nuclear weapons detonated on or near the Earth’s surface is the resulting radioactive fallout. Immediately after the detonation, a great deal of earth and debris, made radioactive by the blast, is carried high into the atmosphere forming a mushroom cloud. The material drifts downwind and gradually falls back to earth, contaminating thousands of square miles. The larger the explosion, the higher and faster the fallout is lofted, and the smaller the proportion that is deposited in the lower atmosphere. This fallout can continue to impact residents in the area and far off areas for many years.Level of protection within fallout radius gained by a person who performs Agnihotra : 50%
Spiritual research showing the mechanism behind Agnihotra
All of the events that happen on Earth are because the basic building blocks of creation are utilised. These basic building blocks are the five Absolute Cosmic Elements. It is only through one or more of these elements, that any event in the Universe is possible. The Absolute Cosmic element that is predominant in the case of a nuclear device being detonated, is the Absolute Fire Element (Tej Tattva).
When a nuclear device is detonated, it gives rise to raja-tama predominant vibrations of the Absolute Cosmic Fire element. Discordant subtle sounds accompany these frequencies. These subtle sounds have a subtle harmful effect on the mind and intellect of the people in the vicinity of the nuclear attack. It can range from depression, to negative thoughts, to fogging up of the intellect.
When the ritual of Agnihotra is performed, it gives rise to sattva predominant vibrations of the Absolute Cosmic Fire element. The fire created from Agnihotra disintegrates the raja-tama particles and therefore purifies the environment at a spiritual level. It also creates a subtle protective sheath around the person performing the ritual. This sheath is highly sensitive to anything related to the Absolute Cosmic Fire element and from the subtle dimension this sheath looks reddish.
The raja-tama predominant Absolute Cosmic Fire particles (emanating from a nuclear device detonating) strike in a very harsh and callous manner. The protective sheath intuitively knows in advance when they are coming near it and as a reflex action it sends the Absolute Cosmic Fire frequencies from within it towards the raja-tama predominant particles with tremendous force. This destroys the raja-tama predominant Absolute Cosmic Fire particles which give rise to the sound frequencies. As a result, the destructive Absolute Cosmic Fire from the detonated nuclear device loses its power.
What decides the effectiveness of the Agnihotra ritual during a nuclear holocaust?

It is important to keep in mind that the protection levels discussed are in a nuclear holocaust environment. Therefore, the benefit that the ritual of Agnihotra can provide, is severely restricted compared to a peace-time scenario.
Spiritual level:
- In the case of a nuclear bomb explosion, in practical terms, only a person above the 50% spiritual level is able to access any substantial protection by performing the ritual of Agnihotra. The benefit reduces as the spiritual level of the person performing the ritual decreases. A person of average spiritual level (20-30%) will gain negligible protection benefit from performing the ritual Agnihotra.
- As the spiritual level rises, the need for performing the ritual becomes less as the spiritual level becomes the key criteria for protection of the person.
- In the case of Saints they would instinctively move away from the area before the bomb explodes.
Importance of spiritual practice: The only way to increase one’s spiritual level is by doing spiritual practice that adheres to the six basic principles of spiritual practice. By undertaking the right type of spiritual practice, it is possible for a person to make rapid growth in one lifetime.
Attitude while performing the ritual
- The effect is even greater when one performs the ritual in the spiritual state of surrender to God.
- On average, only seekers above the spiritual level of 50% have the spiritual capability to perform the ritual with spiritual emotion.
- Spiritual level of the person performing the ritual of Agnihotra is a key aspect in deciding its potency.
- We urge relevant authorities in various countries to help people begin their spiritual practice and along with that the ritual of Agnihotra to minimise the damage from a nuclear holocaust.
Spiritual practice, to be effective, needs to conform to the 6 basic principles of spiritual practice.
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