I give as good as I get - S. Swamy
--Remember that AE Services originally belonged to A.C. Muthiah, cousin of PC, who facilitated Quattrocchi payment. So now you see why ?
--Walter Vinci has landed in India. Told Vishkanya that he will tell all unless AP govt gave him a fat contracts. Why AP?
-- Rothschild, Amartya Sen's father in law got an inexplicable contract in 3G auctioneering for a hefty --fee. Why? I am investigating.
-- Another big corruption scandal will erupt involving Vishkanya, PC, AP CM Krishna Reddy, Minister Gita Reddy;around missing Rs.100,000 crores
-- Why should Shekhar G of IE have so many houses including in Malcha Marg in N Delhi,in Sona in Haryana etc.? Not to mention several in SFDA?
-- If a company sues me for defaming it,by my allegedly falsely stating that Karthi owns it, does it mean they accept that he is disreputable?
--Why so keen on being sued?Because the Aircel Maxis deal FIPB clearance by PC was based on a financial fraud.What fraud?See next press conf.
-- The so called Babri Masjid case of CBI is as bogus and ridiculous as the the attempt to foist a case against me on the DNA article.
-- Delhi-based Doctors to US Doctors: Vishkanya developed acute claustrophobia--implying Glioma is worsening faster than pancreatic cancer
-- Axioms for PTs:1) By DNA, we are one indigenous people.2. Varna is power divide on chosen vocation.3. We all, incl SC&ST, are born Shudras.
-- Corollary to Axioms: Ambedkar is Pandit, Nehru is Vaishya.Buddhu claim of Brahmin a joke.Birth-based Varna is retrogation.Jati acc to birth
-- I have been proved right on IPL by Mumbai Police raid last night in Juhu Hotel. IPL as of now is a front for prostitution drugs black money
-- This Hamid lady who was supposed to have been mauled by a IPL cricketeer, was staying in Maurya Sheraton, and hence who paid the tariff?
-- Forecast:Jul'12:PC accused in 3 cases; Kalaam President; Aug'12: LS re-opens ; more CAG scams. Sep' 12:UPA loses LS vote; Oct'12:LS mid term
-- Only way Jagan will come out of jail without a memory loss injection is if he spills the beans on Sonia foreign accounts.
=> Media hostility to me understandable. Many editors will be in jail in IT cases if I get power.
then wats difference between u n vishkanya?
=> She threatens them which they like while I am feared by them to crush them. Perception problem.
Q. keep on fighying,satyemev jayate
A. Chhedo mat. Chhedane ke baad chhodo mat.
Q. Sir will you address a press conference regarding this matter?
A. In the Presidential campaign I will.
Q. sir why dr. kalam did this???? :-((((((((((((((((((((((
A. Let his book be out first.
=> RTI reply of Agarwal says my letter taken into account.If baseless then why not formally rejected?Solution: Clear air by releasing the files
=> Q: Where is that letter? VK has the original. Why MMS did not read whole letter? Why media not replaying that byte? Why meeting cancelled?
=> MMS tells MPs and media, reading said letter, that 5 pm appt to be invited to form Govt on 318 MPs letters, with Prez off. But can meet 18th
Q. Sir,'tool' media talking selectively of 18 May. No reference to 17 May, ur meeting with him, his letter to Sonia etc?
A. No surprise. Despite being out of power we PTs are making Vishkanya resort to dirty tricks in panic and Rs.1000 CRTs to tweet filth.
Q. CRTs making a issue out of Kalam,because they are afraid of the ghost of 2G scam,Plz keep ur good work going against VK and Chidu
A. What happened to being arrested for DNA article or being sued by PC etc.,etc., etc.?
Q. Sir, BTW did that all famed defamation notice reach you ?
A. Notice? I dont take Notice of Notices. Want Cases filed
=> One big problem in Indian politics today is the rise of blackmail as a weapon. UPA by ISI and Opposition by UPA.
=> When I return from Hong Kong tomorrow I will day after make a statement on a la Kalam's book
=> Ask media to recycle MMS statement to TV and press on May 17th, reading out the last para of Kalam's 3.30 pm letter.
=> If Vishkanya not interested in being PM then why claimed she had 272 MPs in 1999 and in 2004 to stake her claim to be PM?
Q. When exactly did she 'claim to be PM'?
A. In 1999 and 2004. In1999 Mulayam let her down. In 2004 she submitted 340 MPs letters including hers.
In 1999 and in 2004 when she sumitted letters in her na
=> For PTs info. I am sending the RTI letter of denial of files by Rashtrapati Bhavan to Kalam and seeking his "NOC" to re -apply
Q. Why Dr Manmohan Singh and not Sonia Gandhi became the PM in 2004 Dr Kalam had invited MSS to form the government, revealed a RTI
A. If Vishkanya and Kalaam write letters to President they have no objection to RTI release of all files then truth will be out
Q. Sir what about the remark that all opposition demands to him not to make her PM was "constitutionally untenable".
A. Ask Rajdeep to re-run of NDTV tapes of MMS reading out last para of 3.30pm letter. Where is the whole letter?
=> Be ready. Some foreign univ will now say Vishkanya has a http://Ph.D.in mathematics.
Q. So far, Swamy has tweeted just once on Kalam unless I am missing the tweets where he is tacitly attacking Kalam.https://twitter.com/swamy39/status …
A. No attack. Just asked him to release his 3.30 PM letter to her dated 17.5.04.
Q. Scam after scam after scam and@PMOIndia calls Team Anna antinational?
A. Naxalites are anti-national.
Q. Why did@KartiPC 's consultancy company loan Rs 26,00,444 to Siva's aircel? What is this extra Rs 444? Numerology? Dr
A. As per share price multiplied.
Q. the passport copy has been deleted perhaps by twitter
A. No worry. I have it
Q. sir do you also have dual citizenship of US and india?
A. Accortding to whom? Is it an idle question? Next you will ask me if I am man or woman.Dual citizen for Indian is illegal
Q. Sir, do you know Karthi Chidambram , PC and 2 guys who have been appointed by govt for 2G related investigatuion are meeting today
A. It does not matter. The CBI Director has an office in North Block five doors away from PC.
-- Dr. Ambedkar may become the Greatest Indian in CNN-IBN.But what Congi reptiles say:Babasaheb fought 3 LS elections and lost deposits in all!
Q. they still consider Dr.Ambedkar as Dalit, where as he must be considered as a Bramhin because of his extensive study and work !
Q Calling Ambedkar as Brahmin would be insult to Ambedkar, as he did not accept those definitions of Brahmin/Dalit
A. We only say that his parents may have been called Dalits, but he like Vyasa and Valmiki qualifies as Brahmin
Q. you mean to say only bramhins have good brain and dalits dont have ?
A. Dumb. Brahmins are not born but one who qualifies with brains and education. to be called that
Q. sir, it seems MMS wants 2 win Nobel for peace by accepting siachen talks with pak, ur views?
A. Vajpayee tried something similar with moron Habibullah and Brijesh. Such short cuts never work
-- Well placed persons in NDTV told me today that they cannot have TV debate on PC because no one from Congress wants to defend him!What a fall
Q. more biased than arnab why to talk with such biased people
A. Practice arguing.
Q. naming 15 ministers as corrupts by TA is behalf of VK ?
A. For omission of Vishkanya's name.
Q. Sir, why did the GDP grow at a 9 yr low? Will India still be 3rd largest by PPP in 5 years?
A. Depends who will be power
Q. you support Mulayam Yadav and Akhilesh Yadav and they are from the SP ? and the SP are not supporting the anti-corruption movement
A. Support? How? With MLAs? By saying they are honest? Leading questions are for feeble minds
Q. Sir , thanks for reply .. But what vishkanya has to do with this demand? doesn't it affect her only ?
A. No. Upon appointment of SIT the PM will have to resign. That is what Vishkanya wants by hook or crook.
Q. Sir , Do you think SIT should be formed to investigate in Coal gate ?
A. TA mischief on behalf Vishkanya. Go to SC and ask for SIT.
Q. Sir why don't you ever reply to my tweets.I want to know if Pro usa or pro china policies are good for us?
A. Neither. We three are a triangle
-- Today I am the only opposition politician going around the country addressing large public meetings in remote corners of India.But media? VK
Q. Is there anything in the Indian law that will jail ministers for causing loss to public under Policy fig leaf Will PM go To jail?
A. Yes show it to be malfeasance in office.
Q. sir do ROTHSCHILDS control the world economy Central banks & the politicians across globe?
A. Not everything and everyone. But what money can buy like Amartya Sen
Q. Sir what do u think of this?@Swamy39 HTimes reports bad vaastu of new Rupee symbol caused it to fall !! http://tinyurl.com/d2jaefd
A. Indonesia put Ganesha picture on their Rupiah notes and it's free fall stopped.
Q. Sir, When do u expect the verdict on Chidu? Early 2013? going by d slow process of law
A. Some C-reptiles want us to move fast so that we make mistakes. But we know our mind and direction.
Q. will you ever have to be in bjp?doesnt that mean winding up JP?
A. Pre 1980 all were JP. Now it is a case of knife falling on tarbooze or vice versa. Effect same.
Q. Anti-terror squad issues notice to 5 telecom companies
A. What did I tell the Court. PC is the fixer for terror patron Vishkanya.
Q. sir is BJP on verge of split? I hope not....
A. BJP is like a plant which the more you cut it the more it blooms because of RSS cadre supply
Q. Is ther any conspiracy that they want to hide the actual stats until certain stage so that hindus dont get alerted?
A. Has 2011 Census been published in full?
Q. we trust u sir and hope china not funding naxlas,so i may be wrong and thiking like Nehru on china,is tht wht u mean mirror image?
A. Nehru thought China could do no wrong. Mirror image is China can do nothing right
Q. Should we throw our Dharma into Bay of Bengal, fearing retaliation and let adharma happen in Tibet? What do you mean by glasshouse?
A. Is it a question or convent school rhetoric?
Q. you are a role model but teaching followers what that killer Brameshwar did was right. So u think pvt armies are OK?
A. Pl don't tweet like a journalist. Read my statement and tell me which part is of a cheer leader
Q. Dr. Swami, the Congtiles view you as a threat to the Nation. The Congtiles believe that they alone know the People of India!
A. One day I will visit them in Tihar to see if their rations are ok
Q. "encouraging" in a sense china funding and supplying arms to naxalites.
A. And how do you know this? Not Times of India quoting "sources", I hope. Don't become mirror image of Nehru on China.
Q. but contrary to that chinese are encouraging maoists in india?shall v sit idle and do nothing?
A. Do something but nothing wild. What do you mean by "encouraging"? Could concretise that?
Q. Do you think india should encourage and involve in plebiscite of Tibet from china?
A. Ready to face retaliation from China? Those living in glass houses should not throw stones.
Q. I hope you will stick 2 ur view after getting power w/o any excuse. There will b lot of pressure from US,corpo,polits
A. Which ideological view I have changed, Grandpa?
Q. sir apart from happy birthday is there anything else u would tell MK today if you had a chance to?
A. Admit that Dravidian Movement was a shameful illegitimate progeny of British Imperialism, &display a vermillion pottu on forehead.
Q. Sir, what are ur views on family planning? Hindu saints condemn it.
A. They don't condemn it but worried about the refusal of Muslims and may be Christians refusing to limit families.
=> Media hostility to me understandable. Many editors will be in jail in IT cases if I get power.
then wats difference between u n vishkanya?
=> She threatens them which they like while I am feared by them to crush them. Perception problem.
Q. keep on fighying,satyemev jayate
A. Chhedo mat. Chhedane ke baad chhodo mat.
Q. Sir will you address a press conference regarding this matter?
A. In the Presidential campaign I will.
Q. sir why dr. kalam did this???? :-((((((((((((((((((((((
A. Let his book be out first.
=> RTI reply of Agarwal says my letter taken into account.If baseless then why not formally rejected?Solution: Clear air by releasing the files
=> Q: Where is that letter? VK has the original. Why MMS did not read whole letter? Why media not replaying that byte? Why meeting cancelled?
=> MMS tells MPs and media, reading said letter, that 5 pm appt to be invited to form Govt on 318 MPs letters, with Prez off. But can meet 18th
Q. Sir,'tool' media talking selectively of 18 May. No reference to 17 May, ur meeting with him, his letter to Sonia etc?
A. No surprise. Despite being out of power we PTs are making Vishkanya resort to dirty tricks in panic and Rs.1000 CRTs to tweet filth.
Q. CRTs making a issue out of Kalam,because they are afraid of the ghost of 2G scam,Plz keep ur good work going against VK and Chidu
A. What happened to being arrested for DNA article or being sued by PC etc.,etc., etc.?
Q. Sir, BTW did that all famed defamation notice reach you ?
A. Notice? I dont take Notice of Notices. Want Cases filed
=> One big problem in Indian politics today is the rise of blackmail as a weapon. UPA by ISI and Opposition by UPA.
=> When I return from Hong Kong tomorrow I will day after make a statement on a la Kalam's book
=> Ask media to recycle MMS statement to TV and press on May 17th, reading out the last para of Kalam's 3.30 pm letter.
=> If Vishkanya not interested in being PM then why claimed she had 272 MPs in 1999 and in 2004 to stake her claim to be PM?
Q. When exactly did she 'claim to be PM'?
A. In 1999 and 2004. In1999 Mulayam let her down. In 2004 she submitted 340 MPs letters including hers.
In 1999 and in 2004 when she sumitted letters in her na
=> For PTs info. I am sending the RTI letter of denial of files by Rashtrapati Bhavan to Kalam and seeking his "NOC" to re -apply
Q. Why Dr Manmohan Singh and not Sonia Gandhi became the PM in 2004 Dr Kalam had invited MSS to form the government, revealed a RTI
A. If Vishkanya and Kalaam write letters to President they have no objection to RTI release of all files then truth will be out
Q. Sir what about the remark that all opposition demands to him not to make her PM was "constitutionally untenable".
A. Ask Rajdeep to re-run of NDTV tapes of MMS reading out last para of 3.30pm letter. Where is the whole letter?
=> Be ready. Some foreign univ will now say Vishkanya has a http://Ph.D.in mathematics.
Q. So far, Swamy has tweeted just once on Kalam unless I am missing the tweets where he is tacitly attacking Kalam.https://twitter.com/swamy39/status …
A. No attack. Just asked him to release his 3.30 PM letter to her dated 17.5.04.
Q. U agree or not, we are reaping the benefits of education & healthcare sown by Christian missionaries...
A. that is like telling a slave that the food that the master gives saves his life!
Q. Sir If MM Singh asks for your suggestion or a Blue print to drive the economy back on the track what you will do ?
A. I will on deal-- if he gives me Vishkanya files
Q. Appalled that Amartya is picked by Nitish to revive Nalanda.He is sponsored by his masters.Nobel was part of the game plan.
A. Not by Nitish but by the Central Govt--Vishkanya. Nitish only gave the land for the university.
Q. Address on Hinduism by HH Swami Dayananda Saraswati in Prasanthi Nilayam on 2.7.2012. Sir! U also pls visit Puttaparthi with him :)
A. He is a great scholarly saintly sanyasi. I would like to but I have to leave for Shimla to argue a case. Swamiji knows.
Q. What can I say :-) "@Swamy39: Only Christian faith schools are acceptable: Amartya Senhttp://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics/ … via @ArchiveDigger"
A. Flood the PM with letters asking for cancellation of Sen's Bharat Ratna.Next govt will do it anyway
Q. do u agree with Prof. Sen ??
A. Welcome to the real world Rip Van Winkle jr. While you were asleep I was warning the nation about Sen.
Q. Reports of Rahul dating Afghan princess. Do u think influential people marrying foreigners is a risk to National Security?
A. Yes. If marriage becomes documented, then he cannot be PM for one more reason.
Q. Ki.Veeramani claims that Karunanidhi is a grand son of Ravana. Wasn't Ravana a brahmin? What is the real intention of Veeramani?
A. Illangai PorKi Vairamoney can say anything on payment.
=> When at war, prima facie a stranger is an enemy unless proved otherwise.
Q. You made lot many sacrifices by choosing JP's party symbol and sticking to its president post
A. Is that good or bad? I turned down Rajiv's and Rao's offer too join Congress.
Q. How you name or address your God is highly personal. U can treat HIM as ur friend or servant or guru or...
A. To think otherwise as a overt Hindu one must be a covert Muslim or Christian.
Q. sonia gandhi did not want PV Narasimha Rao to be cremated in Delhi befitting the national status given to a former prime minister
A. Vishkanya provided sub-standard wood for the pyre. Shaap lag gayi hogi.
Q. narsimha rao performed better than rajiv gandhi. That's why Sonia congress never gives respect to him..
A. No. He refused to let her be Congress president. Kept it himself.
Q. wat sacrifice....pls elaborate???
A. As a lawyer with a Harvard degree I would have been a billionaire in US.
Q. it was US intelligence which tracked him and saudi courier him, IB only signed and recd the parcel called jindal
A. IB didnt. It was RAW under PM
Q. Scam after scam after scam and
A. Naxalites are anti-national.
Q. Why did
A. As per share price multiplied.
Q. the passport copy has been deleted perhaps by twitter
A. No worry. I have it
Q. sir do you also have dual citizenship of US and india?
A. Accortding to whom? Is it an idle question? Next you will ask me if I am man or woman.Dual citizen for Indian is illegal
Q. Sir, do you know Karthi Chidambram , PC and 2 guys who have been appointed by govt for 2G related investigatuion are meeting today
A. It does not matter. The CBI Director has an office in North Block five doors away from PC.
-- Dr. Ambedkar may become the Greatest Indian in CNN-IBN.But what Congi reptiles say:Babasaheb fought 3 LS elections and lost deposits in all!
Q Calling Ambedkar as Brahmin would be insult to Ambedkar, as he did not accept those definitions of Brahmin/Dalit
A. We only say that his parents may have been called Dalits, but he like Vyasa and Valmiki qualifies as Brahmin
Q. you mean to say only bramhins have good brain and dalits dont have ?
A. Dumb. Brahmins are not born but one who qualifies with brains and education. to be called that
Q. sir, it seems MMS wants 2 win Nobel for peace by accepting siachen talks with pak, ur views?
A. Vajpayee tried something similar with moron Habibullah and Brijesh. Such short cuts never work
-- Well placed persons in NDTV told me today that they cannot have TV debate on PC because no one from Congress wants to defend him!What a fall
Q. more biased than arnab why to talk with such biased people
A. Practice arguing.
Q. naming 15 ministers as corrupts by TA is behalf of VK ?
A. For omission of Vishkanya's name.
Q. Sir, why did the GDP grow at a 9 yr low? Will India still be 3rd largest by PPP in 5 years?
A. Depends who will be power
Q. you support Mulayam Yadav and Akhilesh Yadav and they are from the SP ? and the SP are not supporting the anti-corruption movement
A. Support? How? With MLAs? By saying they are honest? Leading questions are for feeble minds
Q. Sir , thanks for reply .. But what vishkanya has to do with this demand? doesn't it affect her only ?
A. No. Upon appointment of SIT the PM will have to resign. That is what Vishkanya wants by hook or crook.
Q. Sir , Do you think SIT should be formed to investigate in Coal gate ?
A. TA mischief on behalf Vishkanya. Go to SC and ask for SIT.
Q. Sir why don't you ever reply to my tweets.I want to know if Pro usa or pro china policies are good for us?
A. Neither. We three are a triangle
-- Today I am the only opposition politician going around the country addressing large public meetings in remote corners of India.But media? VK
Q. Is there anything in the Indian law that will jail ministers for causing loss to public under Policy fig leaf Will PM go To jail?
A. Yes show it to be malfeasance in office.
Q. sir do ROTHSCHILDS control the world economy Central banks & the politicians across globe?
A. Not everything and everyone. But what money can buy like Amartya Sen
Q. Sir what do u think of this?
A. Indonesia put Ganesha picture on their Rupiah notes and it's free fall stopped.
Q. Sir, When do u expect the verdict on Chidu? Early 2013? going by d slow process of law
A. Some C-reptiles want us to move fast so that we make mistakes. But we know our mind and direction.
Q. will you ever have to be in bjp?doesnt that mean winding up JP?
A. Pre 1980 all were JP. Now it is a case of knife falling on tarbooze or vice versa. Effect same.
Q. Anti-terror squad issues notice to 5 telecom companies
A. What did I tell the Court. PC is the fixer for terror patron Vishkanya.
Q. sir is BJP on verge of split? I hope not....
A. BJP is like a plant which the more you cut it the more it blooms because of RSS cadre supply
Q. Is ther any conspiracy that they want to hide the actual stats until certain stage so that hindus dont get alerted?
A. Has 2011 Census been published in full?
Q. we trust u sir and hope china not funding naxlas,so i may be wrong and thiking like Nehru on china,is tht wht u mean mirror image?
A. Nehru thought China could do no wrong. Mirror image is China can do nothing right
Q. Should we throw our Dharma into Bay of Bengal, fearing retaliation and let adharma happen in Tibet? What do you mean by glasshouse?
A. Is it a question or convent school rhetoric?
Q. you are a role model but teaching followers what that killer Brameshwar did was right. So u think pvt armies are OK?
A. Pl don't tweet like a journalist. Read my statement and tell me which part is of a cheer leader
Q. Dr. Swami, the Congtiles view you as a threat to the Nation. The Congtiles believe that they alone know the People of India!
A. One day I will visit them in Tihar to see if their rations are ok
Q. "encouraging" in a sense china funding and supplying arms to naxalites.
A. And how do you know this? Not Times of India quoting "sources", I hope. Don't become mirror image of Nehru on China.
Q. but contrary to that chinese are encouraging maoists in india?shall v sit idle and do nothing?
A. Do something but nothing wild. What do you mean by "encouraging"? Could concretise that?
Q. Do you think india should encourage and involve in plebiscite of Tibet from china?
A. Ready to face retaliation from China? Those living in glass houses should not throw stones.
Q. I hope you will stick 2 ur view after getting power w/o any excuse. There will b lot of pressure from US,corpo,polits
A. Which ideological view I have changed, Grandpa?
Q. sir apart from happy birthday is there anything else u would tell MK today if you had a chance to?
A. Admit that Dravidian Movement was a shameful illegitimate progeny of British Imperialism, &display a vermillion pottu on forehead.
Q. Sir, what are ur views on family planning? Hindu saints condemn it.
A. They don't condemn it but worried about the refusal of Muslims and may be Christians refusing to limit families.
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