2012, Sept. 6th. U.Brahmachari

Shri Balraj from Delhi writes in his facebook wall on Monday, 3rd Sept, 2012 that the violence and arson occurred in Mayur Vihar on the day before is nothing but an Islamic outrage intended to spread communal rumour and incitements.
Shri Balraj writes : ”**मयूर विहार में हिंसा *** जेहादियों का एक और आतंकी कारनामा ???? कल २ सितम्बर २०१२ रविवार को शाम से से लेकर देर रात तक …दिल्ली के मयूर विहार फेस ३ इलाके में भीड़ ने ..भयानक आगजनी ..तोड़फोड़ आदि का नंगा नाच किया …पुलिस को दौड़ा दौड़ा कर मारा गया ..दो पेट्रोल पम्प फूंक दिए गए ..अनेक वाहन जला दिए गए ..दो पुलिस चौकियां फूंक दी गयी ……आपको क्या लगता है कौन होंगे ये दरिंदगी करने वाले .??……मुझे पक्का तो मालुम नहीं लेकिन अनेक बातों से लगता है की ..ये आतंक –शांति के मजहब( इस्लाम ) वाले जेहादियों का ही हो सकता है ************************
१.. जिस युवक को पुलिस से द्वारा पीटने की अफवाह थी उसका नाम है –कमरुद्दीन
२.. किसी भी चैनल ने गलती से भी किसी का नाम नहीं लिया ..वरना अगर दंगाई हिंदू होते तो ये मीडिया के कुत्ती पानी पी पी कर कोस रहे होते
३.. इतने आतंक के बाद भी पुलिस ने आत्मरक्षा में भी गोलियाँ नहीं चलाई ..वरना गरीब किसानो और मजदूर हिंदुओं को मारने में पुलिस को कोई रहम नहीं आता …… मुंबई ..लखनऊ ..इलाहाबाद ..रांची …कानपुर ..बरेली सभी जगह इन इस्लामी दरिंदों का नंगा हिंसक नाच किसी बहुत बड़ी साजिश का पूर्वाभ्यास लगता है …अब भी समय है की हिंदू समाज संकट को पहचान कर संघर्ष की भीषण तय्यारियाँ कर ले ……… इन नपुंसक नेताओं और भ्रष्ट पुलिसवालों के बल पर अपनी रक्षा की गलतफहमी ना पाले ……..”
The original Hindi is far to alarming to report accurately it would seem.
The press in Delhi and all the media around us described an Islamic menace as a fiery public retaliation towards police by the “aggrieved”. It is now very clear now that Kamruddin tried to escape from the Police and unfortunately fell off his bike during a Police pursuit to stop him. He ended up being admitted into a Hospital and, happily, has not expired.
Within seconds of the incident in the evening of Sunday (2nd Sept, 2012), the Fifth Columnists took the opportunity to spread the rumour of “a miserable death of Muslim Young Man under severe police torture”. Instantly the Jihad mentality of the residents of Khoda Colony and Gazipur roused i to ‘Save Islam from Danger’ and assembled in the Mayur Vihar area to show the “strength of Islam” over the Kaffir, the Delhi Police and Munafik Hindu Public of Delhi. The Mayur Vihar violence erupted as the East Delhi Riots in the very next day.
The creation of an (Islamic) hell up to the late light in Mayur Vihar on that day and after was the result of the looting of public assets, destruction of public property, attacks on the Police (dozens of them heavily injured) and public, arson and such things as Allah wishes in the Quran to punish the Kaffirs (infidels) and Munafiks (betrayers). They also torched two petrol pumps owned by Hindu Kaffirs and generally tried to molest Hindu girls.
But the ‘Delhiwalla’ press and media quietly re-cast the matter according to their own wishes ratehr than reality. and the police were ordered by superior authorities to not expend a single bullet on the Devout Jihadi Public.
In fact the secular media have been trying to generalize all the violence in recent days as a “public reaction”. But, if we critically analyse every case of communal violence in recent days as an aftermath of ’Assam Riots‘: Mumbai (August 11th), Ranchi (August 11th) , Pune (August 11-12th), Bareilly (11-13th August), Bangalore (11-14th August),Shirohi (August 15th), Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad (August 17th), and even inKolkata (August 27th); all are interlaced with Islamic Protest for the Myanmar or Kokrajhar cause to promote the war for a Dar-ul-Islam in India (actually they mean DINIA) from a Dar-ul-Harb – Bharat. While in most of the places the Jihadi barbarity against Indian Administration, Police and Majority Hindu Public came directly in the name of Assam and Myanmar Muslims, in Bareilly and Shirohi the communal violence started for ‘Janmastami Procession’ and a ‘Football Match’ respectively, but the underlying cause was the incitement poured into the Muslim psyche from the Assam and Myanmar pot of fanaticism.
Most of us are unable to read the “writing on the wall” because of the secular smudging of issues.. Muslims of India want another “Direct Action” across a broad spectrum like 16th August 1946 to divide Bharat [Ed. India] once again. For this, they are seeking new raison d’etres for their demands. The Assam and Myanmar (this latter un-related to India) issues are helping the Muslim fundamentalists these days and they will certainly find other issues to fuel their subversive Jihadi activities in future.
The recent violence in Mayur Vihar and the Jihadi up-roaring for Subhas Park Mosque in Delhi and the Islamic reactions in various parts of Bharat as mentioned before, are nothing but the pre-cursor to a mammoth direct action to capture Delhi and India in next three years. They proved their deeper penetration symbolically through Batala House. But the Jihadi signatures in Delhi are prominent in the body of Parliament House, Delhi High Court, Israeli Embassy or either in Subhas Park or Mayur Vihar. Both the Bangladeshi and Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar have their own regimen in their Delhi dens.
The Delhi Police and Indian Intelligence know it well. But they are restricted from doing their own duties. Unfortunately, the ‘Theheka’ and other Media bosses are not interested enough to unearth the crisis related to these serious security questions concerned with the Indian State Capital. The stories from other places throughout India under Jihadi attacks are more or less same.
The most alarming point recently is that the agitating Muslims are attacking both the Police and Public, branding them ‘Hindu’. Thus the polarization and division of Hindu-Muslim identity is accelerating. The charges against the Muslim culprits: rioting, murder and attempt to murder, molestation of women constables, damaging public property and media’s OB Vans etc., torching petrol pumps, vehicles and other habitation, spreading hatred, anti-national incitements, subversive activities, forceful occupation, desecrating National relics, etc. are all serious charges. Thus it is clear that “fundamentalist” (read orthodox Jihadi) Muslims in India are waging a war (Jihad) against the State and its subjects.
In 1905, when the Nwabab of Dacca Mr. Salimullah founded the Muslim League, who guessed that it would be the most dangerous weapon to destroy the Unity of India in making a permanent enemy of India like Pakistan in 1947. In the same track, the present subversive Islamic Force in India is paving the way for further division and destruction of the modern Indian state in a very devilish way fuelled with many inner and outer “conspiracies”.
Whoever denies this truth is either Insane or Islamist.
Source: http://www.faithfreedom.org/articles/op-ed/the-truth-about-the-recent-east-delhi-riots-and-upcoming-direct-action-jihad-against-the-indian-state-and-its-subjects/
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