NaMo NaMo

Namo Event

Monday, 29 December 2014

फर्जी फिल्म और फर्जी विवाद.. पीके हो क्या?

कभी कभी एक सवाल उठता है... ये सवाल अटपटा है लेकिन सच पर आधारित है. ऐसा क्यों होता है कि बॉलीवुड की फिल्मों में जब भी कभी किसी चर्च के फादर को दिखाया जाता है तो बैंकग्राउंड में गिरजाघरों के घंटे बजने लगते हैं.. माहौल आध्यात्मिक हो जाता है.. सफेद कपड़े में फादर आते हैं और हर बार अच्छी अच्छी बातें और उपदेश देते हैं. हीरो हिरोईन को शांति की तलाश होती है.. सही जवाब की खोज करनी होती है तो वो चर्च पहुंच जाते हैं.. यही हाल मौलवियों का भी है.. मौलवियों को भी इसी तरह दिखाया जाता है.. कई सारी फिल्मों में हीरो हिरोइन शांति की तलाश में किसी मजार में पहुंच जाते है.. मौलवियों को ईमानदार, सरल, भगवान के करीब और न्यायप्रिय दिखाया जाता है. ऐसा उन फिल्मों में होता है जो धार्मिक जोनर की फिल्म नहीं है.. जिसकी स्टोरी का धर्म से कुछ लेना देना नहीं होता है.. इन फिल्मों की स्टोरी प्रोग्रसिव होती है.. फिल्म डायरेक्टर से लेकर उसके चाहने वाले भी आधुनिक विचारों के प्रवर्तक होते हैं. हालांकि फिल्मों में ऐसा दिखाने में किसी को कोई आपत्ति नहीं है.. लेकिन जब भी किसी पंडित पुजारी को दिखाया जाता है तो उसे कपटी, बेईमान, झूठा, पैसे ठगनेवाला और बलात्कारी के रूप में पेश किया जाता है.. सिर में चोटी, माथे पर अजीब किस्म का चंदन, धोती, लंगोट, भाषा आदि से ऐसा कैरेक्टर तैयार किया जाता है जो कभी कॉमेडियन लगता है या फिर शैतान का कोई अवतार हो. ऐसा मैं इसलिए कह रहा हूं क्योंकि अक्सर यही देखा गया है.. हां, इसका कुछ अपवाद हो सकता है लेकिन आमतौर पर यही पैटर्न हमने हिंदी फिल्मों में देखा है. अगर बॉलीवुड की किसी फिल्म में आपने एक कपटी, बेईमान, झूठा, पैसे ठगनेवाला और बलात्कारी फादर या मौलवी देखा हो तो जरूर मुझे बताइये.. मैं अपनी सोच को बदलने के लिए तैयार हूं..

लेकिन एक चीज मैं मानने के लिए तैयार नहीं हूं कि बॉलीवुड के फिल्म-निर्माता विचारवान व विद्वान होते हैं. ये धनाढ्य-कालीदास हैं. जो अपनी मूर्खता का प्रदर्शन अपनी फिल्मों में कर तो देते हैं लेकिन वेतनभोगी बुद्धिजीवी उन बेवकूफियों पर थ्योरी देने लग जाते हैं. इसलिए फिल्मों को लेकर जब भी विवाद होता है तो उसके लिए फिल्म से ज्यादा फिल्म के बारे में थ्योरी बनाने वालों का रोल होता है. रिव्यू लिखने वालों का रोल होता है. टीवी चैनलों का रोल होता है. हर फिल्म का प्रचार-प्रसार पीआर एजेंसी के जरिए होता है. विवाद खड़ा करना या न करना ये पीआर एजेंसियां तय करती हैं. ये सब पैसे लेकर इन धनाढ्य-कालीदासों का महिमा-मंडन करते हैं. बॉलीवुड अल्पबुद्धि और गंवार लोगों की जमात है इसलिए इन्हें सीरियसली लेना ही गलत है. बॉलीवुड में फिल्म बनाने वाले ज्यादातर लोग व्यवसायी हैं जो मसाला, डांस, अंगप्रदर्शन और यहां तक की बलात्कार दिखा कर पैसे कमाने के धंधे में हैं. यही बॉलीवुड की सच्चाई है कि 95 फीसदी फिल्में हिट फार्मूले पर बनती है. यह फार्मूला किसी विचार पर नहीं बल्कि आइटम नंबर, डांस, मारधाड़ और सेक्स सीन पर टिका है. लेकिन फिल्म पीके उन 5 फीसदी में आती है जिसके निर्माता भी व्यवसायी ही होते हैं लेकिन उन्हें टीवी चैनल इंटेलेक्चुअल, समाज-सुधारक और विचारवान के रूप में पेश करते हैं. ये भी व्यवसायी ही हैं लेकिन इनका अंदाज निराला है.

पीके फिल्म से पहले एक फिल्म आई थी, जिसका नाम था OMG (ओह माई गॉड). वो फिल्म पीके से हर मायने में बेहतर थी. धार्मिक ढोंग को इस फिल्म में ज्यादा बेहतर तरीके से एक्सपोज़ किया गया था. बाबाओं की असलियत उसमें ज्यादा बेहतर ढंग से दिखाई गई थी. कलाकारों का अभिनय बेहतर था और पटकथा भी अच्छी थी. आस्था के मानव जीवन पर असर को भी सही ढंग से दिखाया गया था. मजेदार बात यह है कि जब ओह माई गॉड रिलीज हो रही थी तब पीके के व्यवसायी-निर्माता फिल्म को न रिलीज करने के लिए 8 करोड़ रुपये देने को तैयार हो गए थे. एक और बात यह कि उस फिल्म के खिलाफ इतना हंगामा नहीं हुआ था. इसकी दो वजहें थीं. पहली, वो फिल्म ज्यादा बैलेंस थी जबकि पीके में हर धर्म को निशाने पर नहीं लिया गया. दूसरी बात यह कि उस फिल्म को देश के वैचारिक-ठेकेदारों का संरक्षण प्राप्त नहीं था. कहने का मतलब यह कि ये पूरा विवाद फिल्म की स्ट्रेटेजी का हिस्सा है. जिससे इस फिल्म को ज्यादा मीडिया स्पेस मिल सके. यह फिल्म रिलीज के पहले ही चार पांच दिन में जरूरत से ज्यादा कमा चुकी है और अब जो भी कमाई हो रही है वो मुनाफा ही है. कुछ लोग फिल्म के खिलाफ आंदोलन कर रहे हैं जबकि फिल्म से जुड़े लोग इस विरोध से परेशान होने के बजाय खुशियां मना रहे हैं. वो जानते हैं कि जितना विवाद होगा कमाई उतनी ज्यादा होगी.

अब सवाल यही है कि बॉलीवुड में हिंदू धर्म की आस्था पर ही क्यों चोट की जाती है? तो इसका उत्तर बहुत ही साफ है. पहला यह कि हिंदू के अलावा दूसरे धर्म का मजाक उड़ाने पर देश के वैचारिक-ठेकेदार उसे कम्यूनल घोषित कर देते. दूसरी बात यह है कि हिंदू धर्म के खिलाफ बोलना और मजाक उड़ाना भारत में अभिव्यक्ति के अधिकार का अभिन्न अंग हैं. अगर आप अभिव्यक्ति के अधिकार के सेनानी हैं तो हिंदूओं के खिलाफ बोलने से ही इसकी पुष्टि हो सकती है. तीसरी बात यह कि यह एक वैचारिक दासता का भी परिचायक है. देश में वामपंथी-सेकुलर-प्रगतिशील डिस्कोर्स और तर्क का मूल सार भी यही है कि पश्चिम की हर बात सही और भारत का इतिहास-संस्कृति-धर्म-सभ्यता का हर चिन्ह गलत और बुरा है. चूंकि फिल्म बनाने वाली जमात इसी डिस्कोर्स की उपज है तो वही दिखाया जाएगा जैसा कि पहले पैरा में लिखा गया है. लेकिन इन सबसे अलग और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि ये सारे तथाकथित प्रगतिशील लोगों को यह मालूम है कि दुनिया में सिर्फ हिंदू धर्म ही ऐसा है जिसमें विरोध, व्यंग, कटुवाक्य और निंदा सहने की शक्ति है. उन्हें ये भी मालूम है कि दूसरे धर्म की निंदा संभव नहीं है क्योंकि इससे उनकी जान पर बन आएगी. वैसे भी फिल्म बनाने वाले तो धंधेबाज लोग होते हैं ये थोड़े ही कोई सलमान रुश्दी या तस्लीमा नसरीन हैं जो अभिव्यक्ति के अधिकार के लिए जान की बाजी लगा दे.

इसलिए, पीके का विरोध करने वालों को धैर्यवान होने की जररूत है. वैसे विरोध का कोई फायदा नहीं जिस विरोध से आपके विरोधी को फायदा हो जाए. विरोध करने के लिए सोशल मीडिया है जिसमें आप अपना विरोध दर्ज करा सकते हैं. अब वैसे भी बहुत ज्यादा हो गया. विरोध की वजह से एक औसत फिल्म सुपर हिट हो गई.

अब जाने भी दो... पीके हो क्या?

- Dr. Manish Kumar, Editor, Chauthi Duniya

Friday, 26 December 2014

जम्मू और कश्मीर में सरकार बनाने का हक किसे है?

जम्मू-कश्मीर में किसकी सरकार बनेगी? इसे लेकर देश की सेकुलर-इंडस्ट्री परेशान है. उन्हें लग रहा है कि अगर कश्मीर में बीजेपी की सरकार बन गई तो उनकी दुकान का क्या होगा? उनकी तो सारी थ्योरी ही फेल हो जाएगी. इसलिए, कांग्रेस पार्टी, सेकुलर पार्टियां, सेकुलर विश्लेषक व पत्रकार इस बात पर जोर दे रहे हैं कि कश्मीर में किसी भी कीमत पर बीजेपी की सरकार न बन सके.

कांग्रेस के दोगलेपन की कहानी ये है कि एक तरफ पार्टी हिंदू-विरोधी इमेज को धोने में लगी है. कार्यकर्ताओं से उपाय पूछ रही है कि पार्टी की हिंदू-विरोधी इमेज को कैसे खत्म किया जाए और दूसरी तरफ कश्मीर में चुनाव के दौरान बीजेपी का डर दिखा कर मुस्लिम वोटबैंक को तैयार कर रही थी. नतीजों ने उन्हें आईना दिखा दिया लेकिन फिर भी सच मानने को तैयार नहीं है. बिना मांगे ही कश्मीर में समर्थन देने को बेकरार हो रही है. कांग्रेस पार्टी को शायद पता नहीं कि पार्टी अब भस्मासुर बन चुकी है जिसके सिर पर हाथ रखेगी वो पार्टी तबाह हो जाएगी. कांग्रेस पार्टी और सेकुलर जमात यह दलील दे रहे हैं कि पीडीपी के पास सबसे ज्यादा सीटें हैं इसलिए पीडीपी को सरकार बनाना चाहिए. क्या उन्हें पता नहीं है कि जम्मू कश्मीर चुनाव में सबसे ज्यादा वोट बीजेपी को मिला है? दरअसल, इनकी मुसीबत यह है कि अगर बीजेपी और पीडीपी का गठबंधन हो गया तो इनके फर्जी सेकुलरिज्म का आधार ही खत्म हो जाएगा.

जम्मू-कश्मीर के नतीजे उम्मीद के मुताबिक ही आए हैं. यह सबको पता था कि किसी पार्टी को बहुमत नहीं मिलने वाला है. ऐसे में अगर ये पूछा जाए कि कश्मीर में किसकी जीत हुई तो यह जीत सिर्फ मोदी की जीत है. मोदी का करिश्मा इस राज्य के लोगों के सिर पर चढ़ कर बोला. जिन्होंने बीजेपी को वोट दिया और जिन्होंने नहीं दिया .. दोनों को ही मोदी से उम्मीद है. घाटी में भी बीजेपी हार गई लेकिन मोदी जीत गए. जिन्होंने वोट नहीं दिया उन्हें भी लग रहा है कि मोदी सरकार कश्मीर के लिए जरूर कुछ करेगी. यही आशा मोदी को विजयी बनाती है. इस चुनाव की सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि कांग्रेस की तरह, इसबार केंद्र सरकार ने इस चुनाव में सत्ता का दुरुपयोग कर उलटफेर करने की कोशिश नहीं की है. इसके लिए कश्मीर की जनता मोदी सरकार की तारीफ कर रही है. एक और बात यह है कि बीजेपी को छोड़ कर सभी पार्टियों ने धार्मिक आधार पर वोट को बांटने वाला कैंपेन किया. मोदी ने विकास के नाम पर धार्मिक वोट बैंक की राजनीति को तोड़ने की कोशिश की. घाटी क्षेत्र में मोदी विफल हुए लेकिन इसे एक शुरुआत तो माना ही जा सकता है.

कश्मीर में अब सबसे ज्यादा जरूरत इस बात की है कि एक मजबूत सरकार बने. ऐसी सरकार हो जिसकी साख पर कोई सवाल न खड़ा कर सके. जनता ने इस चुनाव में कांग्रेस और नेशनल कांफ्रेस को रिजेक्ट कर दिया है इसलिए सरकार बनाने में इन दोनों पार्टियों की हिस्सेदारी नायजाज है. इन दोनों पार्टियों को जनता के फैसला का सम्मान करना चाहिए और सत्ता की रेस बाहर हो जाना चाहिए. सरकार बनाने में कोई भी घपलेबाजी भारत के लिए नुकसानदेह हो सकती है. इन दोनों पार्टियों की हिस्सेदारी से बनी कोई भी सरकार अवसरवादी और प्रजातंत्र का मजाक मानी जाएगी. इसके अलावा बीजेपी के बिना कोई भी सरकार बनती है तो उसमें जम्मू का प्रतिनिधित्व नहीं होगा जो उचित नहीं है. साथ ही, स्थिर सरकार नहीं बन पाएगी.

कश्मीर को लेकर भारत को पाकिस्तान से भी दो दो हाथ करना होता है. यहां स्थिर, सामर्थ्यवान और प्रभावशाली सरकार की जरूरत है. इसलिए कश्मीर में पीडीपी और बीजेपी की सरकार बनना ही देश और कश्मीर की जनता के लिए सबसे बेहतर होगा. अगर यहां पीडीपी और बीजेपी की मिली जुली सरकार बनती है तो पाकिस्तान के साथ साथ कई लोगों के मुंह पर ताला लग जाएगा. भारत दुनिया को यह संदेश दे सकता है कि कश्मीर में हिंदू-मुसलमान मिल के सरकार चला सकते हैं. यह सही मायने में एक सेकुलर सरकार होगी. मोदी सरकार पाकिस्तान से शक्ति और सख्त होकर बातचीत कर पाएगी. इसके अलावा केंद्र सरकार के साथ जम्मू-कश्मीर के पुनरुद्धार का काम आसानी से शुरु किया जा सकता है. मोदी ने चुनाव के दौरान जो जो वादे किए उसे पूरा करने के लिए वो जिम्मेदार होंगे.

जम्मू और कश्मीर के लोगों ने भारत के प्रजातंत्र में विश्वास इसलिए दिखाया है क्योंकि वो सुरक्षित और शालीन जीवन व्यतीत करना चाहते हैं. उनकी मांगें ज्यादा नहीं है. वो शांति चाहते है. युवाओं के लिए रोजगार चाहते हैं. सड़क, पानी, बिजली और स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं की व्यवस्था हो. वो चाहते हैं कि फिर से कश्मीर में सैलानी आएं. सरकार को इसके लिए कश्मीर घाटी को सैलानियों के लिए सुरक्षित बनाना होगा. फिलहाल, जनता अमन चाहती है इसलिए सरकार के विकास कार्यों में जनता का पूरा समर्थन भी मिलेगा. अगर मोदी कश्मीर की जनता का दिल जीतने में कामयाब हो जाते हैं तो 370 जैसे मुद्दे का हल कश्मीर की जनता खुद ब खुद दे देगी.

भारत के इतिहास में यह एक सुनहरा मौका है जब कश्मीर की समस्या को हमेशा के लिए खत्म किया जा सकता है. सेना और डिप्लोमेसी से कश्मीर की समस्या खत्म नहीं होगी. कश्मीर को सदा के लिए भारत का अभिन्न अंग बनाने के लिए कश्मीर के लोगों के दिलों को जीतना होगा. यही मौका है. अगर राजनीति के नाम पर नौटंकी हुई तो यह सुनहरा मौका हाथ से निकल जाएगा.

- Dr. Manish Kumar, Editor, Chauthi Duniya

Thursday, 25 December 2014

PK: Why is Hinduism a blot on the idea of India

“Indian voting rights (given to Hindus) must be reconsidered” – Zoya Hasan, a professor of political science in JNU, had thundered in NDTV studios on the morning of May 16th this year when it was quite apparent that Narendra Modi would be the new Prime Minister of India. These days the only noise one hears from the opposition in Rajya Sabha, since the opposition is absent in Lok Sabha, is on topics concerning some “reconversions” by a vague Hindu outfit or about a stray ruling party MP making some bombastic comments on some trivial religious matters. Over the last month, maximum airtime on various media platforms was allocated to a ‘colloquial’ mis-comment by a junior minister in the central government which was a classic case of making a mountain out of a molehill.

For the last 2-odd years there has been this constant theme running in the background which keeps harping about the “Idea of India”. There have been various subtle, not-so-subtle and in-your-face attempts to constantly remind us that either Hinduism is rogue or that ordinary Hindus need to be apologetic about the supposed ‘excesses’ of their religion on the whole and certain co-religionists in particular. Over the last few years, especially under constant ridicule and persistent attack have been religious figures, Hindu Matths and those termed derisively as ‘Godmen’ by the media.

This continuous messaging is having little impact as urban middle classes have not yet developed a ‘healthy’ distaste towards Hindu religious symbols, especially the so-called ‘Godmen’. Realizing that relentless bombardment on 24/7 news channels against various babas from Nithyanandas to Asharam Bapus to Rampals is not enough to change the Hindu psyche, more creative folks are now getting into this business of dissing Hindu systems. Now the messaging is more subtle, underplayed and laced with humour so that it makes a deeper impact on urban India.

An  alien who looks exactly like us humans lands in the deserts of Rajasthan only to be robbed of his “remote”, which connects him to his mother ship. Meanwhile an Indian girl falls in love with who else but a Pakistani boy in Belgium – this is an important template for Bollywood to show its proverbial middle finger to all those ‘silly Hindu fanatics’ who harp about LOVE JIHAD, so every right thinking, no strike that, every Left-thinking Indian woman must dutifully fall in Love with a Pakistani guy. The girl’s father objects to this union because, hold your breath, he is an undying bhakt of a Hindu Godman who keeps lecturing about Mohammad Ghazni’s invasion of India. Our poor Godmen simply refuse to understand that Hindu girls have this ‘inherent craving’ for Pakistani men who are such nice, soft spoken, caring gentlemen without a religiously violent hair on their waxed and tanned bodies. Can’t these Godmen see how we as a nation collectively trend #IndiaWithPakistan when those non-violent Pakistani men murder 150 young kids in a school in Peshawar?
Due to a tragic twist of fate, the unsuspecting Indian girl believes that her Pakistani boyfriend has ditched her at the altar, so she returns back home to the big bad lands of India infested with too many Hindu temples and Hindu Godmen and, well, Hindu men and women (oh why can’t India just be another Pakistan with those nice, non-violent Pakistani men?). Here in India the alien (played by the redoubtable host of Satya Meva Jayate) has started circulating “Missing” pamphlets with pictures of various Hindu Gods because he believes the Hindu Gods are responsible for his missing remote. He even visits Hindu temples but chain locks his slippers at the gates because, you guessed it right, all Hindu devotees are thieves who rob slippers – in the Rajkumar Hirani universe Hinduism is totally infested with thievery and nothing but thievery, everything else is merely the figment of Hindu imagination.
Over the next 2 hours, PK keeps going in circles just to progressively caricaturize Hindu temples, Hindu Gods and Hindu Godmen (to be sure, there are but some fleeting references to other religions too but then you would have missed them by the time you would have blinked and yawned in between). Then, after every aspect of Hinduism is ridiculed and the audience is sufficiently frustrated with the religion to dash out of the cinema hall and race into the nearest church/masjid to immediately get converted, we unhurriedly reach the climax when there is finally a bomb blast and the TV newscaster informs us that some people of an unknown “kaum” (religion) have taken the responsibility for the blast. What religion could that be? Shhh! don’t ask, some questions are best kept under wraps… okay, let’s get back to Hindu bashing then.
So, in the climactic TV studio confrontation between a Hindu Godman and the alien… wait, by the way, did we tell you that the left-thinking woman who returned back from Belgium after her supposedly “failed” love affair with that nice, non-violent Pakistani boy has now joined a TV news channel as an anchor? Oh she has, and, now we know why our TV News anchors have such a tender soft spot for anything that has a Pakistani label on it. Anyway, so, in the climactic TV studio confrontation between a Hindu Godman and the alien, the alien emerges victorious!!! What a relief! In fact, the alien defeats the Godman by telling the whole truth to the girl (who is now the TV news anchor and had fallen in love in Belgium with a soft spoken, nice, non-violent… okay fine, it was Anushka Sharma with her recently acquired shark-like lips, there I said it finally!). The whole but simple truth is this – the Pakistani boy hadn’t ditched her after all, and, has been in fact waiting for 2 years in Lahore with bated breath for a call from her.
Moral of the story? It’s simple you idiots, all Hindu Godmen, Hindu Gods (and Hindu men for that matter) are thugs and thieves, so in Pakistanis we must trust.


The missing Hindus in South Asia and a conspiracy of silence

Civil society, media and the government of India have all remained mute spectators while this human tragedy has been unfolding right in their backyard.

 |   Long-form |   19-12-2014

Indian media has done a commendable job in covering international events, be it Arab Spring, Tahrir Square, Gaza conflicts to beatification of saints at Vatican. The only blind spot has been the plight, or rather the genocide, of Hindus worldwide, including our neighboring countries like Pakistan or Bangladesh. This is quite inexplicable given that other events in these nations that have been generously covered.

Genocide of Hindus in India’s Backyard
Let me first start with startling facts that should have  by now been well known to an Indian audience in normal course. When Pakistan was created in 1947, Hindus constituted about 15 per cent of the population of West Pakistan (current Pakistan); by 1998 it is about 1.6 per cent  (p. 76, Hindus in South Asia and the Diaspora: A Survey of Human Rights 2013) - the population has declined by about 90 per cent in about 50 years. This decimation is the outcome of sustained  legal and social discrimination ever since the creation of Pakistan. On the legal front, only Muslims are eligible for the position of President or Prime minister of Pakistan. The Sharia court in Pakistan has promoted religiosity and strengthened fanatics. It inflicts Islamic punishments, including stoning to death, amputation of hands and feet, flogging in public to non-Muslim citizens too. Blasphemy laws carry a death sentence and have been used to target non Muslims. Family laws for non-Muslims do not exist. Thus, marriages can not be legally established for purpose of travel, and divorce and property right disputes can not be resolved. On the social front, curriculum in government schools and Madrasas promote religious hatred against minorities. The number of Madrasas has increased from 244 in 1956  to 10,000 in 2013 (p. 74) .

As a result, Hindu women, mostly minors,  are being persistently abducted and forcibly converted, Hindu businessmen kidnapped for ransom, and Hindu temples destroyed. An elaborate infrastructure has been designed to prey upon the likes of  Rachna Kumari and  Rinkel Kumari. The human rights commission in Pakistan reports that 20-25 young Hindu girls are abducted and forcibly converted every month. Dawn puts this number at 1000 every year for Hindu and Christian women. Pakistan has been home to numerous Hindu temples of which only 360 remain, with an even smaller number functioning; thousands of temples have been destroyed since 1947 (p. 81). One of the holiest sites of the Hindus, the Hinglaj Mata Mandir has also been targeted by extremists. Bereft of any hope for dignified survival in Pakistan, Hindus are taking refuge abroad. Pakistan Hindu council estimates that about 5000 Hindus leave for India every year (p. 73).

The genocide of Hindus is not limited to Pakistan. Starting in the late 1980s, Buddhist Bhutan has expelled nearly 100,000 traditional Hindus, constituting about 1/6th of Bhutanese population. From almost a third of East Pakistan’s (currently Bangladesh’s) population as per Pakistan’s 1951 census, by 1971, when Bangladesh was born out of East Pakistan, Hindus were less than a fifth of its population; Hindus constitute less than 10 per cent of the populace there thirty years later; and  as little as  8 per cent today per reliable estimate (R Benkins A Quiet Case of Ethnic Cleansing – The Murder of Bangladesh’s Hindus). The situation is now so dire that even Amnesty has taken note that the Hindu community in Bangladesh is at extreme risk and is being targeted simply for their religion (p. 24). In 1971 alone 10 million ethnic Bengalis, mostly Hindus fled to India and 200,000 women were raped (p. 26). From 1975 onwards, religious minorities including Hindus have been subjected to discriminatory property laws, restrictions on religious freedom and violence perpetrated by both state and non-state agencies (p. 30). For example, Hindus are attacked almost every year during the celebration of their most important festival, Durga Puja. Before creation of Bangladesh Pakistani government had instituted an enemy property act (EPA) in 1965, which officially labeled Hindus as enemies and enabled annexation of their properties. The EPA has continued under different names since the creation of Pakistan: VPA (Vested Property Act), VRPB (Vested Property Return Bill) etc, and has robbed 200,000 Hindu families of 16 X 107 square meters of their land between 2001 to 2007 (estimated by Abul Barakat of Dhaka University) (p. 43). Similarly, the Bumiputra policies explicitly discriminate against 6.3 per cent Hindus in the Islamic republic of Malyasia (p. iv).

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing
Edmund Burke

Government of India
Civil society, media  and the government of India have all remained mute spectators while this human tragedy of unimaginable magnitude has been unfolding right in their backyard.  Indian government has not accorded the official status of refugees to Hindus from Pakistan, despite satisfying the criteria for refugee status under international law due to Pakistan's failure to protect them from religious persecution. They live in abject poverty, in cramped and squalid conditions in open tents in North and North West India, and have been suffering from repeated colds, coughs, psychosomatic conditions, blindness and oral tumors. This apathy has continued under governments of all political hues. It has however been reported that  the current government lead by Prime Minister Modi is planning a package which includes private jobs and a fast track process for Indian citizenship for Hindu and Sikh refugees from Pakistan. The state government of Madhya Pradesh lead by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has rehabilitated 5464 minority refugees from Bangladesh. No government of India has however discussed the religious persecution of Hindus in neighboring countries in any internal or external forum. In contrast, Pakistan has raised Gujarat riots at United Nations.

The apathy of governments regardless of their political hues has perhaps resulted from the distortion introduced in classical notions of secularism by the Indian polity. Secularism has traditionally been defined as the separation of governance from religion – in India  it instead accords special legal and financial privileges to practitioners of all religions other than Hinduism, and celebrates historical figures like Aurangzeb who have followed a persistent policy of religious persecution (all governments till date have refused to rename a road named in his honour).      

Although, unlike India, Hindus constitute a small fraction of US population, public representatives in US have started taking cognizance of the plight of minorities in India’s neighborhood. Fifteen members of Congress had submitted a bipartisan letter to then Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton urging her to ensure that religious persecution of minorities end in Pakistan.  Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) and republican Congressman Aaron Schock (Illinois) have spearheaded a bipartisan Congressional letter that urges US Secretary of State John Kerry to make human rights of the minorities in Bangladesh a priority in bilateral relations with US. Arlene A Juracek, the mayor of the village of Mount Prospect has recognised the tragedy of Hindus in Bangladesh who can not celebrate Durga Puja in Bangladesh owing to its anti-Hindu laws.

The vibrant and ever watchful civil society in India has turned a blind eye to this gargantuan human tragedy. This is astonishing given that many activists are vigilant about caste violence perpetrated against the traditionally disadvantaged classes, as they should be. Yet, the cause of Hindus in India’s backyard, as also their plight as refugees in India, has not been championed despite the fact that they are predominantly Dalits. Protests against their persecution have been few and far between, and mostly relegated to much reviled supposedly casteist right wing Hindu groups. Protests have meanwhile been organised in Washington DC. Civil rights advocacy for Hindus is being spearheaded by an organization based in US (Hindu American Foundations) but not by civil rights groups in the country that is home to the  largest number of Hindus anywhere in the world (Read [1][8][11][15][16]). It is worthwhile mentioning that the outrage in civil society on the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits  from the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir has been substantially muted as compared to that on Gujarat riots. Yet, the latter does not compare in scale to the size of the affected population for genocides in Kashmir (neither in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan for that matter). From about 7 per cent of the overall population in Kashmir in 1901 (p. 30, 38), 4-5 per cent in 1981, (p. 38, Students Academy: Kashmir – A paradise on the Earth, p. 255, Rahul Pandita, "Our  Moon has Blood clots: The Exodus of Kashmiri Pandits’’), Pandits reduced to a meager 808 families comprising of 3445 members in 2010 per government report. As  per figures given by UPA minister Shriprakash Jaiswal in a written reply in Parliament on  May 11, 2005, 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus were killed in the riots, 2548 people were injured and 223 people were missing.

The most unkindest cut of all
The Indian media was expected to remain vigilant on the status of minorities in India’s neighborhood, given how Hindus and Sikhs were butchered in Pakistan at its nascence (Bangladesh was then part of Pakistan). Jinnah had written in a letter to the governor general that Sikhs will need to leave Pakistan (p. 175, Muslim league attack – Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947). Well known Muslim league leader, Zafar Ali Khan, the proprietor ofDaily Zamindar of Lahore, urged in his newspaper on September 5, 1947 that no Sikh be allowed to remain in West Punjab (p. 137, Muslim league attack – Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947), and they left. Seven million Hindus and Sikhs were forced to leave Pakistan because of the organised mass slaughters. In Sheikhupura, the district that contains Nankana Sahib, the birth place of Guru Nanak, in 2 days, 10,000 - 20,000 were killed in cold blood in 1947 (p. 167, Muslim league attack – Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947). All Hindus in Rohtas and Sanghoi of Jhelum were put to death (p. 200,Muslim league attack – Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947 ). In 128 villages of Rawalpindi district, 7000 Hindus and Sikhs were killed, and 1000 women were abducted  in matter of days in March 1947, as per news reports (the actual number is likely to be higher). Owing to these atrocities, perhaps, Nehru, not remotely communal by any standards, had said that the deeds in the Rawalpindi division would shame even beasts (p. 90, Muslim league attack – Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947).

Around the time of its creation, Pakistan government had also commissioned a team of Maulavis to convert young abducted women as per a civil and military gazette report in 1947. Hindu Sikh refugees who could flee to India had given statements that while men were only forcibly converted, women were forcibly married in addition. Hindu and Sikh girls brought by Pathan raiders of Kashmir were sold in the bazaars of Jhelum district. Hindu and Sikh women immolated themselves to escape tortures the mobs were subjecting them to – 1) chopping of breasts, noses, arms, 2) insertion of sticks and pieces of iron in their private parts, 3) ripping open wombs of pregnant women and throwing off the fetus. Even children were not spared – snatched from their parents, they were tossed on spears and swords and some times burnt alive (Muslim league attack – Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947).

Similarly, in Noakhali in then East Pakistan, in an elaborately planned carnage launched on October 10, 1946, on Kojagari Lokkhi Purnima, one of the holiest days of Bengali Hindus, the hinterland of Noakhali was cut off from the town by breaking the bamboo bridges across the canals. The boatmen, who were all Muslims, refused to ply Hindus across, and Muslim league volunteers guarded all routes leading to railway stations (pp. 104-105, first edition, Tathagata Roy My people uprooted: A saga of the Hindus of eastern Bengal). A mayhem of targeted murder, rape and forcible conversation ensued. Cabinet minister Arthur Henderson reported to the house of commons on Nov  4, 1946 that at least 9895 Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam (likely many more) and thousands of Hindu women were abducted and married to Muslims against their will, stone idols were smashed and Hindu temples desecrated and Hindu men were forced to slaughter their own cows and forced to eat beef (p. 109, first edition, Tathagata Roy My people uprooted: A saga of the Hindus of eastern Bengal). Dr Shyamaprasad  Mookerjee, who would later become a cabinet minister in India, wrote that 50,000 - 75,000 Hindus have had to flee their homes to escape the brutalities and live as destitutes for a while (pp. 110-112, first edition Tathagata Roy My people uprooted: A saga of the Hindus of eastern Bengal).

It would therefore be reasonably feared that Pakistan and later Bangladesh would not ensure the safety of its minority citizens. It is therefore inexplicable that Indian media would remain largely oblivious of  the genocide of Hindus that did follow. To my knowledge, India Today did a cover story on Hindus in Pakistan in the wake of the abduction of Rinkle Kumari on February 24, 2012. The tragedy of this young woman has received some coverage in other Indian news sites as well ( [4][23] [24]). But, a systematic study of the genocide in Pakistan has been missing by and large; sporadic reports have focused on conditions of Pakistani Hindu refugees in India. A web search reveals that most of the limited coverage (outside Pakistan) that this human tragedy has received has been in news sites outside India. The story is no different for Hindus in Bangladesh, Bhutan or Malyasia either.

Yet, sites with much less resource than major media sites in India has started delving deeper. India Facts will be publishing monthly reports on human rights abuse of Hindus in Pakistan – the first has already appeared. Swarajya Magazine has published substantive research enumerating the discriminatory laws in Pakistan. Hindu American Foundations has published extensive documentations of religious persecution of Hindus all over the world. The apathy of Indian media about Hindu victims of persecution has therefore not been induced by the lack of resources.

To the best of my knowledge, there are only three books in English on the genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh, R Benkins A Quiet Case of Ethnic Cleansing – The Murder of Bangladesh’s Hindus, Tathagata Roy A Suppressed Chapter in History: The Exodus of Hindus from East Pakistan and Bangladesh 1947-2006 and Garry Bass The Blood Telegram (only one of these is by an Indian); one on the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits (its written by a Kashmiri Pandit); none on that in Pakistan or elsewhere. This stands in stark contrast to the extensive research directed on the Jewish holocaust and Gujarat riot (to name a few, Parvis Ghassem Fassandi Pogrom in Gujarat: Hindu Nationalism and Anti-Muslim Violence in India, Michael Mann The Dark Side of Democracy: Explaining Ethnic Cleansing). It is pertinent to note that journalist Swapan Dasgupta, who has reviewed the only book written on the genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh by an Indian  author (Tathagata Roy A Suppressed Chapter in History: The Exodus of Hindus from East Pakistan and Bangladesh 1947-2006) has mentioned in a twitter conversation that there has been limited interest in even reviewing the book, notwithstanding its historical value. It is perhaps legitimate to ask of the Indian media and its civil rights activists why has the extent of their vigil not depended on the magnitude of a human tragedy rather than on the religion of the victims?Religious bias in media reporting?

Rather than alleging Hindu phobia in Indian media, I would conclude  by placing a few incontrovertible facts pertaining to the difference in the nature of the coverage based on the religion of the victims.

1) Indian media extensively covered the murder of a Muslim techie by Hindu goons in Pune, but barely mentioned brutal killings of a  RSS pracharak in Kerala and a BJP secretary in Tamil Nadu or the rape of a 9 year old Hindu girl  by a Muslim. It regularly champions the causes of under-trial Muslims at times accused of terror, but not of a Hindu woman Sadhvi Pragya who was arrested for involvement in Malegaon blasts and incarcerated for five years without charges being filed. No feminist or human rights group has come to her aid though she has alleged torture and harassment and has been deniedbail despite her cancer diagnosis. Similarly, army intelligence officer Lt Col Purohit has been incarcerated six years, again, without trial. He has alleged brutal torture lasting for several days. It is worth noting that the previous home minister Sushilkumar Shinde had asked all chief ministers to ensure that no Muslim be wrongfully held on charges of terror, notwithstanding the fact that the emphasis on religion is inconsistent with the principle of secularism as has been classically defined. As practicing Hindus, neither Sadhvi Pragya nor Colonel Purohit can avail of the Muslim specific leniency provisions that Shinde instructed the chief ministers to institute.       

2) Gujarat riots have been reported on extensively in the national media for a decade, but religious violence Hindus have been subjected to in border districts of Bengal have been mostly ignored or barely received a mention in  the national and  Bengali media.  Indian army had to be deployed to quell the arson and violence perpetrated by Muslim mobs against the local Hindu community in De Ganga. Muslim mobs burnt down 200 Hindu homes in Canning police station area. Islamic organisations conducted a rally in Kolkata in support of a vocal anti-India preacher, a rabid anti-Hindu who has organised pogroms against Hindus in Bangladesh. Lakhs of extremist Muslims engaged in mass violence in the streets of Kolkata protesting the investigation of cross border terror. Hindus have been denied cremationrights in currently Muslim majority Murshidabad. A Hindu activist organisation has been painstakingly documenting instances of religious persecution of young Hindu women in this region – no main stream journalist has followed up or likely even verified their research (I had personally drawn the attention of several journalists towards their reports). Not only Bengal, as discussed later, national media has looked the other way on the persecution of Hindus in North East India too.

3) Usually victims of marital persecution are given a sympathetic hearing in Indian media; but national level shooter Tara Sahdeo was harshly grilled in several television channels when she alleged that her husband tortured her demanding that she converts to Islam. In fact, most Hindu women who have alleged attempts to convert them in the guise of a relationship have been reviled in Indian media. Not surprising then that the call of Imam Bukhari of Jama Masjid urging Muslim youth to marry Hindu women for converting them has hardly been mentioned.

4) Indian media was outraged when a Hindu activist, Dina Nath Batra, slapped a civil suit against Wendy Doniger’s book on Hinduism and had the publisher withdraw all copies of the book. It is worth noting that Mr. Batra attained his end through constitutional means, and not by inciting public violence. Yet, the same media has  remained largely silent when author Tasleema Nasreen who happened to offend Muslim fundamentalists through her criticisms of Islam was forced to move from Calcutta  due to violent protests by Muslim mobs. She has been subjected to physical violence for her views by MIM leaders, and the assault has been publicly defended by Akbaruddin Owaisi, the brother of the president of MIM. TV serials and movies associated with author Tasleema Nasreen have routinely been bannedin West Bengal even when they were unrelated to her views on Islam. Indian media has failed to compellingly defend her freedom of expression in each of those instances.

5) There has been a furore in Indian media and in Parliament on one instance of conversion of Muslims and Christians to Hinduism. Neither has however agitated on predatory proselytising and at times forcible conversions enabled by millions of dollars of foreign grants (missionary organisations pushed more than 250 million dollars to India in one year). English language media has condoned the state patronage extended to Christianity by the late Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, through its elegant silence. Even worse, national media  which highlights Hindu fringe on every conceivable opportunity has remained silent on a violent Christian fringe which has sought to forcibly convert  Hindus to Christianity in the North East.  Dayanath singh, Gujarat press club office secretary, has reported that  in Bhuvan Pahar, one of the most holy places in Barak valley of Assam, a Christian militant organisation, namely, Manmasi National Christian Army (MNCA), has been forcing at gun point the Hindu residents, including priests,  to convert to Christianity. Footages of blood stained crosses drawn on hindu Temples also exist. Tripura state government contends that the Baptist Church of Tripura supplies arms and gives financial support to the separatist group  National Liberation Front of Tripura, NLFT, which  has among its stated goals the conversion of all Hindu tribes in Tripura to Christianity. NLFT has banned Hindu festivities like Durga Puja,  killed over 20 Hindus from 1999 to 2001 for resisting forced conversion to Christianity, forcibly converted tribals using "rape as a means of intimidation’’(Adam, de Cordier, Titeca, and Vlassenroot (2007) In the Name of the Father? Christian Militantism in Tripura, Northern Uganda, and Ambon. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism ), broken  into a temple and gunned down a popular Hindu preacher known as Shanti Kali. It is telling that my references for  the terror allegedly fomented by the church in India’s North East have been BBC, and not Indian media reports.

Any dent in the credibility of the fourth estate in any country bodes ill for the democracy therein as this organ of our polity is expected to serve as a watchdog of our society. It is therefore hoped that Indian media in particular, and Indian public discourse in general, would introspect so as to mitigate the case of bias against Hinduism that may well stand against them today.


Muzaffarnagar woman seeks abortion after being raped at gunpoint by her father-in-law... but clerics order her 'to treat her husband as her son'

A 28-year-old woman created ruffles in the local administration and the Muslim community on Thursday by moving an application before District Magistrate Kaushal Raj Sharma to arrest her father-in-law and allow her to abort her seven-month pregnancy. 

“My husband has been working in Dubai for the last two years. My father-in-law has been sexually assaulting me at gun point since 2013. I remained silent because he used to threaten to kill me. He also video recorded his act and threatened to make it public if I opened my mouth. When I told my husband about it, he blamed me for making a false allegation against his father. When I finally told my parents, they suggested me to take legal action against my rapist father-in-law,” the victim said. 

A 28-year-old Muzaffarnagar resident (whose identity we have disguised) says she was repeatedly raped by her father-in-law and is now pregnant.
A 28-year-old Muzaffarnagar resident (whose identity we have disguised) says she was repeatedly raped by her father-in-law and is now pregnant.

Sharma confirmed that he had received the woman’s complaint and said: “I have asked the chief medical officer and the police to probe the case. Further action would be initiated against the culprit under the law.” 

Clerics, however, have jumped into the case and have declared that, henceforth, the husband of the victim will be treated as her son. 

Avoiding any comment against the father-in-law who repeatedly raped and blackmailed the victim, Maulana Mohammad Nazar of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind said: “As per the Sharia law, the baby in her womb is her husband’s brother. Her husband must divorce her, even if his father looked at his wife with lust.”

In 2005, 28-year-old Imrana was sexually assaulted by her father-in-law Mohammed Ali. 
The local community panchayat had treated the case as that of adultery instead of rape, and ruled in the light of Sharia that her marriage with her husband stands null and void as the Islamic law considered sexual relations with both the father and the son as incestuous.
Instead of punishing the father-in-law, the panchayat ordered her to treat her husband as her son and his father as her husband. 

Imrana was made to suffer after she dared to continue living with her husband. 
Samajwadi Party president Mulayam Singh Yadav had supported the Islamic panchayat’s decision.

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PK: Hindu bashing for Seculars on a comic platter

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A Must Read article published by Sanskriti Magazine website

Last evening I posted my views on PK movie based on the reviews of my non political not so religious friends having no biases at all.I had decided that I would not spend my money which goes directly or indirectly to Underworld..but I had to watch it anyhow so that the stand I took gets verified, movie was readily available on internet to be viewed online. First half an hour was awesome, though idol worshiping was cursed heavily but I still loved the theme because of my core spiritual Hindu ethos. I almost felt that I should delete two of my previous posts which ridiculed this movie. But wait, there was much more to the movie which went completely undigested and hence comes the intentions under scrutiny, a design much beyond the scope and thought process of ‘ordinary janta‘. Few points to substantiate :-

1. It was shown that a temple priest forces open the wallet of Anushka, takes money out of it and drops into the donation box.

Now, people may comment on this post and enlighten me if they have had any such experience in any of the temple anywhere in world ? It seemed as if script-writer had put huge efforts to find something out of Hinduism which could be portrayed negative. In my life so far, I have met with priests who are the most under paid class of utmost polite people doing their service round the clock in temple, showing them in this utter stupid manner not only shows entire religion in bad light but disillusions people from their faith.

PK: Hindu bashing for Seculars on a comic platter2. It was shown that people blindly following Godmen (Babas), and that they donate heavily to them for temple construction etc.

I would like to ask the enlightened janta here that what right we have to question or mock an ordinary man who spends his hard earned money anywhere he wishes ? In this case, he goes to a baba (howsoever fraud he is ) devotes some time for prayers, bhajans etc,what harm is he doing to society at large ? Is he spreading violence ? Is he learning to operate AK 47 ? tell me what is he doing which this film fraternity is so disturbed about ? He too has all the freedom to invest his money and time anywhere exactly the way rich urban class has the privilege to invest their money in a 4000 bucks bottle of tequila. For how long this “handholding” by one superior class to other inferior class of people will go on in this country ? The other aspect about money donation is very interesting, as the sole topic has been targeted in numerous movies, and the point is, is this some kind of “jealousy” bollywood feels that the money which should have been routed to them is going to these Babas who indirectly have become pillar strength of Hinduism strengthening the self respect of gullible Hindus in towns and villages protecting them from Jehadi and Missionary forces ?

3. Serving fodder to Cows was shown as some backward minded act.

If you can invest thousands of rupees on feeding your imported breed dog, why can’t you serve an animal which is hundreds time more productive than dog ? Looked like it was a loserish attempt by the script writer to dig out something stretching his imagination beyond the limit.

4. People would counter me that this movie has shown dark sides of all religions so the point which I am raising holds invalid.

I watched the movie online and its duration was 130 minutes ? I counted those scenes and the duration, they did not even come close to 3 minutes ? So in a way you make an ill designed ill intended movie which 98 % of the time shows a specific faith in bad light and serves 1 % to other faiths as well to skip Censor board ? And obviously get an OK certificate from the elite secular Hindus ?

5. It was mocked of Hindus who visit shrines or holy places thousands of kilometer away from their homes

We all remember it, just last year Amir khan went along with his mother to Mecca to offer pilgrimage.So why do you preach something which you yourself cant practice ? What is the problem here ? Unsolicited Handholding hunhh ?

6. Idol worshiping

All the time during the movie, this particular topic was mocked upon. We all know which religion mocks idol worship (butparasti ?), one should remember that we Hindus celebrate both the types of worship, that is, with form (sakar) and without form (nirakar), so declaring idol worshiping as some form of backwardness or a myth comes under the most objectionable content of this film. Than Aamir says “jo dar gaya vo mandir gaya”, now imagine our modern Hindu kids, they anyways feel shy of following their tradition or visiting temple, and than you serve them such progressive movies, completely detaching them from their dharma, imagine the void it will create in future and how the “market forces” would utilize such a void.

PK: Hindu bashing for Seculars on a comic platter7. Love Jehad was mocked and termed as imaginary.

Multiple intelligence reports as well as Hon’ble high court of Kerala have vindicated this trend of Love Jehad, thousads of such cases have been reported and proven but still some film makers want us to believe otherwise for the reasons unknown. If I talk about Aamir khan, he himself is a soft Love Jehadi because he married two Hindu girls and still on the record claims that his kids would follow Islam ? Why this discretion Aamir ? Why don’t you give your kids a freedom to choose their own faith ? This is what is primitive form of Love Jehad people have been talking about.

8. I would be countered that “come on this is just an entertainer film, don’t take it too seriously”

Do you remember how eloping started in our country ? It started after a movie called Kayamat se Kayamat tak ? Do you remember when this trend stopped, it was after films such as DDLJ, do you recall how may cases of “couple” frauds were committed after Bunti and Babli movie ? Do you remember when did we start calling a local goon as “bhai” ? Do you remember how this trend of youngsters joining underworld as shooters or supari killers started ? If Bollywood is all about entertainment why were they so worried about Naredra Modi becoming Prime Minister that they had to sign and release an appeal to NOT VOTE him ?

9. I would be countered that “are our sentiments so weak to be hurt anywhere and everywhere”.

This is the most disgusting statement I ever hear from people, an enemy is demolishing your fort brick by brick and as you react after every demolished brick , they would challenge you , they would remind you of your strength and this way you would be forced to keep quiet, foolish of us, isn’t it ? I agree, for ordinary masses, the theme of this movie sounds philosophical / spiritual but one thing to remember, religions world over because of their sheer political importance have turned out to be a tug of war in a way, every brick demolished weakens our future as an integral nation. While Islam grew world over by the power of sword, Christianity grew by the power of money and conversions, but ever wondered why did they grow ? what was the objective ? The simple answer is to attain political dominance, to bring back the lost “colonies” in the form of population dominance and subsequently dominance over governments. As the secular Hindus forget this political importance of their religion, as they let go their heritage, beliefs and traditions, they must be ready to see their kids live under either sharia or church because trap is ready for them to be poached.
In last, two major scenes which made my opinion concrete about this film, a train blast scene where I was expecting that the other side of the story would be shown but alas, it was totally skipped and not even the name of any terrorist group was mentioned ? wow..what a neutral and secular way of writing a script ? Second, We were forced fed that “trust a Pakistani but not a Baba” and this climax scene made my job easy as it spoke volumes about the target, intent and design behind this movie. The poison this film carries is summed up in this single dialogue of Aamir ” jo dar gaya vo mandir gaya” !!
Still, few of the self hating Hindus would love this film rather are loving it…because as Tarek Fateh once said “secularism exists in India because Hindus are the majority”, though it was said with a respect towards Hinduism but with different perspectives I always prefer it to be a satire on coward foolish and self loathing Hindus.
~ Gaurav Sharma